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5-Metre Finland Association

5-Metre Finland Association

5-Metre Finland is an association for development of 5-Metre sailing and racing in Finland. The association supervises and controls the 5-Metre rule technicalities together with the 5-Metre Sweden Association. 


Association aims for gathering all national 5-Metre fleets on a common platform and invites everyone interested in 5-Metre Class sailing or racing for discussion and development. If You have an interest in 5-Metre Class, or in look for a boat to purchase, don’t hesitate to take contact by mail: 5metrefinland(at), send a message +358 40 0709937 or participate in discussion on or find the latest news on: or

Eero Lehtinen


Board members

Board members

Eero Lehtinen Chairman

Marianne / Team Åbo Båtvarf

Emma Seppä Vice Chairman/Economy/ operator

Team Åbo Båtvarf

Mila Tiilikka Social Media

Röde Orm

Niilo Olander 5-Metre website manager

Lotta V / Team Åbo Båtvarf

Mikko Räsänen / International connections

Saga I

Ville Rajala / Get together man


Membership fee

Membership fee

5-Metre Finland supporting membership fee is 10€/year. It not only gives you a piece of mind, but also entitles you to participate in 5-Metre Finland Ranking Series Regattas.

5-Metre Finland Yacht membership fee is 90€/year and it is required from every boat participating in 5-Metre Finland Ranking Series Regattas or 5-Metre Finland Championships.  Fees should be paid on 5-Metre Finland Bank account FI89 2082 1800 0707 94 and marked with person or yacht name and the year of membership.

Vuosikokous 2024

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